
TOP-5 Bloggs in English and about English :)

All the blogs described below have one thing in common: they are created to talk about the effective teaching of a foreign language. Read on and practice!  https://englalalanguage.blogspot.com/   - Nicely organized blog that is a pleasure to read. Minimalistic and organic. Tells about all sorts of "tricks" for teaching a foreign language. https://easyenglishstudiescourse.blogspot.com/  - beautiful blog of a Belarusian girl who talks about different applications and sites for learning a foreign language. https://speakeverywhere.blogspot.com/   - This blog explains how you can speak a foreign language anytime, anywhere. There are also many tips for teachers here. https://englishwithschulz.blogspot.com/  - This beautiful blog in bright colors provides many additional resources for teachers to help them teach a foreign language. https://brilliantnotesbyalina.blogspot.com/  - This brilliant blog is run by an experienced English...

MOBILE APPLICATIONS in Language Learning

The main idea of mobile applications in languige learning is not using a device, but the mobility of a learner. This ia s learning across different contexts and locations as we engage with different communitites. Using such apps we become location independent. Moreover they are aimed at connecting learner from formal settings to more informal. Mobile learning applications think who the users are engaging with and how to connect learning from classroom and other places and synthesize this back in classroom setting.  QR-codes can be used: QR codes in education is a great way to digitalize the classroom and make it innovative than ever.  QR codes  provide students with new resources to study they can also help to create interactive laboratories for the students to perform better science experiments and research. By the end of a test or task, you can allow your students to check their answers by scanning the QR code. As a teacher, you can afterward approve when students are c...

MOOCS & online education

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for anyone to enroll. MOOCs provide an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills, advance your career and deliver quality educational experiences at scale. Millions of people around the world use MOOCs to learn for a variety of reasons, including: career development, changing careers, college preparations, supplemental learning, lifelong learning, corporate eLearning & training, and more. The  learning content  of a MOOC is created by an educational institution -  universities  such as Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley and other top universities. Examples from Europe include the universities of London, Oxford, Munich and Zurich. The  operation  of a MOOC (course organization, administration) is coordinated by globally active  MOOC platforms  (e.g. Coursera and edX). MOOCs were created from the idea of covering an  entire university course online  and the...


Wiki - is a website where users can edit or add content onto a web page. Wikis fall under the group of Web 2.0 technologies which are thought to contribute to collaboration by promoting interaction with online content.   Many publicly available wikis, such as   Wikiversity , allow for   self-education . Wikis are sometimes used in classrooms for collaborative projects. Some teachers have found, that learners prefer to add their own content rather than rewrite others' work.  Because a wiki functions in many ways like a web site, it can be used as a class home page or a space to organize information and links. In this case, the advantage of a wiki over a traditional web site is its ease of use and the fact that it can be edited quickly, with no need to upload files. The only disadvantage to using a wiki as a replacement for a traditional web site is that the formatting options are more limited. STUDENT'S PROFILES In a wiki site, students are free to create pages a...


 Сегодняшний пост посвящён тестам.  Существует много программ для создания тестов, но вот самые доступные и легкие в использовании: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/ гугл форма. http://newtonew.com:81/web/socrative-viktoriny-dlja-studentov сократив, подходит для мобильных версий (можно скачать в гугл плее) Благодаря опросам, можно проводить тестирования и не тратить время на его проверку, ведь все сделает компьютер. Рассмотрим на примере: https://forms.gle/nqggpEMG1MWA2zfd9 Вывод: такие программы хорошо помогают в обучении языкам, сохраняют время и можно очень структурированно подать материал. Из минусов то, что доступ не у всех есть к компьютерам и интернету.

Технологии и приложения

  Сегодня поговорим о приложениях, которые помогают в организации обучения языка. К сожалению, видео, которое было предложено мне для ознакомления, немного устарело, так как было опубликовано 12 лет назад. Поэтому я хочу рассказать не только о Google Sheets & Google Docs & Google Class, а еще о Google Duo, Google Презентации, Google Keep, Google Jamboard, Google Подкасты и др.  https://duo.google.com/ -  Google Duo  —   видеочат , разработанный компанией  Google . Сервис доступен на платформах  Android  и  iOS , а также в браузере. Обучение языку можно проводить в формате онлайн не выходя из дома! https://docs.google.com/presentation/ -  Благодаря Google Презентациям вы можете создавать файлы, редактировать и показывать их, а также работать над ними вместе с другими пользователями где и когда угодно – совершенно бесплатно. Можно делать групповые и индивидуальные презентации, при этом обучаясь языку и обучая других....


  Помогают в обучении и изучении иностранного языка и всегда под рукой. Пользоваться легко и быстро!